
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Week one recap

Well we've been in Auckland for a week now! Steven started his new job on Monday (that's technically your Sunday yanks) and I started my new job of Stay At Home Mum. It's been great, my days are full of Isabelle. We are both (mostly me) very excited to have the option of staying in pajamas all day. 
That photo was taken at 3 PM. Whatevs! 

We have done quite a bit of exploring this week too. We've ventured to Sylvia Park Mall via the train. That place has EVERYTHING including a children's crèche. If you don't l know what a crèche is, lemme break it down for you...

"The Treehouse is a crèche centre you can drop your 0 – 5 yr old children in for an hour and a half while you have your own shopping time or get things done that need to get done. If required for a $5 fee sessions can be extended to 2 hours. The Treehouse is fun, educational environment for your child to help their growing minds and bodies."

!!!!!!!!FOR FREE!!!!!!!!

Also included at Sylvia Park is a crazy nice parents room, which includes unisex changing area, NURSING BOOTHS! A bathroom stall big enough for you and your pram (stroller). I'm continuously blown away by all the resources for parents and children here. Another example is Plunket. They're an  organization that monitors your child's development. They provide nutrition support, breast feeding support, car seat installments with a phone number to call 24/7. Even for non emergencies. It's amazing. 

We also visited a local park, it was actually a nature reserve with wetland, but really just a park. Once you're past the entrance gate dogs are allowed to be off leads. There were dogs running around, playing in the water, it was so cool. Also beautiful birds everywhere. At the end of the trail was the nicest play ground Isabelle has ever played on. 

We are settling in nicely here in Auckland, trying to embrace all the local quirks like bringing our own bags when we go to a shop. We are very excited to get into a house eventually. We are staying in a furnished apartment right downtown in the CBD a block from Stevens work, and while its a beautiful apartment and right on the's SO LOUD past 8 PM. The courtyard behind our building is a hub of businesses and bars, so there's always music blaring and people shouting. It would be great if we were a bit younger, or child free. 

All said and done, it's been a great first week. Bring on week 2. 

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